Privacy Policy


1.1 Data Controller of the users’ personal data collected through this website is the H.O.C.RE.D. The processing of the personal data of the users of the website is governed by the terms hereof, by the relevant provisions of the applicable legislation on personal data, as well as by the relevant decisions, instructions and regulatory acts of the respective Data Protection Authority.
1.2 Access to the website and the receipt of the services provided through it requires the disclosure by the users to H.O.C.RE.D. of the data and information that, at the H.O.C.RE.D.’s discretion, are necessary for the successful and safe provision and receipt of the requested services. Users are required to disclose to the H.O.C.RE.D. all true information required at the H.O.C.RE.D.’s discretion for the provision of the relevant services, such as, but not limited to, name, e-mail address, country of origin, etc.
1.3 By inserting the requested data, each user gives his/her consent to the collection, use and processing of his/her personal data that he/she voluntarily inserts for the purpose of receiving the services provided, in accordance with article 6 par. 1 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679, of Law No. 4624/19 (A’ 137) “Personal Data Protection Authority, measures implementing Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27th of April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and transposition into national law of the Directive (EU) 2016/680 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27th of April 2016 and other provisions”, and the relevant Greek legislation, as in force from time to time.
1.4 The personal data that users inserts through the website are kept by H.O.C.RE.D. or its agents and are used exclusively for their better service and information and are in no way reproduced or made available to third parties, unless otherwise stated in the payment procedure. The purpose of the collection, use and processing of the personal data provided by each user through the website is to provide the services requested through the website. The data is kept for the time necessary and only for the completion of the services provided and the exercise or defense of the legal claims of the H.O.C.RE.D. In any case, the criterion used to determine this period is based on compliance with the time limits established by law and the principles of data minimization, storage limitation and rational management of records.
1.5 H.O.C.RE.D. takes all appropriate technical and organizational measures for data security and protection and complies with all principles of lawful processing of personal data (lawfulness, fairness, transparency, purpose limitation, data minimization, accuracy, storage limitation, integrity, confidentiality, and accountability). H.O.C.RE.D. allows access to users’ personal data only to authorized persons, who need to have access for the implementation of the purpose of collection, use and processing of users’ data, as provided for in these terms.
1.6 H.O.C.RE.D. reserves the right to provide authorized access and/or the right to use and process the personal data of users to third parties (legal or natural persons), to which the execution of the processing has been entrusted. The processing of the data is carried out with the same security and protection guarantees that apply to H.O.C.RE.D as the Data Controller.
1.7 H.O.C.RE.D. has the right to use the contact details provided by any user to send newsletters about its products and services, as well as relevant offers and/or announcements, provided that the user has given his/her relevant consent.
1.8 Any user may withdraw the relevant consent at any time, without, however, affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on it before its withdrawal. If the user no longer wishes his/her personal data to be used for sending such information by the H.O.C.RE.D., he/she may send an e-mail to from the e-mail address he/she provided during registration, stating “I DO NOT WISH TO RECEIVE NEWSLETTERS”. Alternatively, he/she can click on the “DELETION FROM THE RECIPIENT LIST” indication in the e-mail message he/she has received.
1.9 Any user may request at any time to be informed about his/her personal data held by H.O.C.RE.D. and/or its agents, their recipients, the purpose of their retention and processing, as well as their modification or correction. If the conditions laid down by law are met, any user may also exercise the right to erasure, the right to restrict processing, the right to data portability and the right to object to the processing of their personal data. For the above reasons, the user must send an e-mail to from the e-mail address he/she has declared, attaching a copy of his/her identity card. It may also refer to the competent Supervisory Authority (Data Protection Authority).


2.1 This website is owned by H.O.C.RE.D. and includes content that is the intellectual property of H.O.C.RE.D. apart from the expressly stated exceptions (third party copyrights). This content includes, but is not limited to, photographs, texts, images, drawings, graphics, videos, software applications and services provided.
2.2 H.O.C.RE.D. encourages the private use of the content of the website for personal information, as well as the use for educational or research purposes. However, the use within the context of a business, service or organization does not constitute private use.
2.3 For educational or research purposes only, the reproduction or storage of individual pages or data is permitted, provided that their origin is indicated, and the names of the creators are mentioned (if they appear on the website), without affecting in any way the relevant intellectual property rights. However, users should be aware that certain files or data may be the intellectual property of third parties (partners of institutions, organizations, companies, etc.) and cannot be used without the permission of these third parties (which may be indicated on the website).
2.4 It is strictly prohibited to store, reproduce, republish, transmit or distribute any part of the content of the website for commercial purposes or for any other use that does not fall under paragraphs 5.2 and 5.3.It is also strictly prohibited to store, reproduce, republish, transmit or distribute registered trademarks or service marks of the H.O.C.RE.D., as well as trademarks of partner organizations that appear on the website.
2.5 This website contains references to other websites (links), made by other private and public organizations. These references are provided for the convenience of users (for further information). The H.O.C.RE.D. bears no responsibility and does not guarantee in any case for the content, privacy policy, completeness and quality of services and security of other websites, which are interconnected with the website through “links”, nor for the servers through which the website and other websites are made available to users.